Friday 23 June 2017

evaluation of final game

[video and picures of game will be added soon]

My final game was a complete recreation of the original idea as i found my first idea wouldve taken too long to make in time so i decided to make a smaller game but not sacrafice any ammount  of blueprint so i decided to make a puzzle game where the objective is to mix the three primary colours in a way that created a spesific secondary one for example when the game starts you are given the colour purple then you would have to walk into the red and then bluetrigger boxes then walk to the gate and it will tell you that youve got it right or wrong and give you a new colour, at this point it goes on forever and there is no punishment for getting it wrong, if i had more time i wouldve introduced a system where it keeps track of how many tries youve had and how many youve gotten right or wrong and after a timer has ticked down give you a percentage score, this would have given the player an incentive to do well and they would also have a highscore so they could compare with their friends and see who is better.

Compared to my original idea this game is completely different, the target audience is very different now as the first one was quite a mature shooter for teenagers, whereas the second is a colour based puzzle game so would be an educational game for kids. The first game idea had a multiplayer element, whereas the secont one is mostly a singleplayer experience however it couldve had an online scoreboard but it wouldve still been less of an online experience as the first idea.

overall im very pleased with how the game ended up. I used new blueprint ideas that ive never used before and learned a lot about them and i feel like I implimented the blueprint very well for something ive never used before as i condenced the ammount of things i needed to use making the size of the game a lot smaller that in could've been.

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